David: -"Don't you think they are having a little too much fun in our
Mike: -"Maybe. But we should be happy to see them happy."
D: -"Ok, but this "experiment" was to last a week, and almost a month
has passed..."
M: -"I know, I know, but you will see that within a week or two at most
they will agree to repeat the swap. Or at least I hope so."
Mike and I have always been best friends.
A month ago we were walking downtown with our girlfriends, and we
saw a strange little shop that intrigued us.
As soon as we entered, the elderly shopkeeper looked at us for a few
seconds and said "I have already understood what you need: you need
a spell that reinforces your relationships".
He said the cost was only one dollar, and I gave it to him, pitied by that
half-mad old man.
He smiled and told us that we would get to know our partner better. As
we were leaving the shop, he told us that to end the spell we would
have to repeat at the same time "I learned what I had to learn, it's time
for me to come back."
We laughed that evening because of that crazy meeting, but the next
morning we woke up in the body of our partner!
When we calmed down, Mike and I remembered the formula to undo
that magic.
Too bad that our girlfriends had already decided to want to spend some
time in our bodies, to get to know each other better and try life from a
male point of view.
We fought for hours. But our girlfriends have always been authoritarian
and determined; on the contrary Mike and I have always been mild and
quite shy, and our new bodies were reinforcing our respective characters.
So in the end our girls won, and we agreed to spend a week in these
Too bad that they have continued to postpone this deadline, and now
almost a month has passed.
And in the meantime our personalities are adapting more and more to
the new bodies.
I hope they keep their word soon: I don't want to get stuck in the body
of a shy redhead!
I like the animation. Cool story. I wonder if they'll ever get their bodies back?