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at least 18 years old); I'm the one who chooses the gif to match the request.
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Twins Switch (part 7)

Nine months after the body swap.

"Emily": "I shouldn't be so sad. Nothing strange happened after all. Dad and Dylan go on a fishing trip together every year these days. I'm just not Dylan this year anymore, so it's normal that I stayed home with my mother. Who is also very sweet, and who, seeing me sad, told me that tomorrow we will have a mother-daughter day. I am happy to be with her, and I like these "women's days" more and more, even if sometimes they still feel a little strange. But I miss the relationship with my father. I miss many things I could do as a boy, and I don't know if I will ever do them again. Dylan is a fantastic and very protective brother to me, particularly during my period, knowing how hard it is on his old body. Even though we are twins, I definitely feel like the little sister. By the way, I don't think I'll ever get used to my period. I've had 9 of them so far, and I've found them all terribly annoying and painful. I'll just have to accept them, I guess. Among the pros there is certainly Tom, who is a fantastic boyfriend. He makes me feel special, like I've never felt before. He's the one thing I would really miss if I ever go back to being Dylan one day. I'm sorry that I will probably never be with Tiffany, who is a very sweet and very beautiful girl, but at least now we are very good friends. Tom, Dylan, Tiffany and I have already done a couple of foursome outings, getting along very well together. Now Dylan no longer has to advise me on makeup or clothes. I'm a completely independent girl! Sigh. Even temperamentally I am now completely a girl. I feel too sensitive, but I appreciate the greater connection with my emotions, at least most of the time. Well, overall I'm not complaining, I'm healthy, I have an amazing family and people who love me. If one day I become a man again, I will be happy, but I will try to live my life to the best of my ability anyway. Now I'd better go. Tonight Tom takes me out to dinner, and a girl needs time to prepare for her man. Yep, things were definitely easier before. But I'll be fine, I'm sure of it."

The ethereal being who switched bodies and destinies of Dylan and Emily was still observing the twins from time to time. He was pleased with the new Emily's progress as a person, but he still hadn't forgiven her. When it had fulfilled her wish 9 months earlier, it wanted the young man to live in his sister's body for a couple of weeks to better understand girls and improve his life. But the boy immediately used his opportunity to spy on girls and prove himself to be immature and insensitive. To punish him, the entity decided to extend the exchange indefinitely. By becoming a woman at heart, she would no longer be able to spy on girls in a disturbing way, nor take advantage of the secrets learned from poor girls to manipulate them into a relationship. And she would remain a girl, at least as long as the anger of the entity remained. And the ethereal entity in question was very, very slow to forgive, especially by human standards. But maybe one day it will forgive the new Emily, especially if she continues on the right path, and offer her the opportunity to change her destiny again. But until then it will continue to watch in silence as the new Dylan and Emily shape their new lives and precious relationships.

[The End]


  1. Too close to identity death to be to my liking, but it’s very well-written

    1. I'm sorry you didn't like it very much. However, it's not "identity death", which I don't like either. The new Emily knows perfectly well that she has been Dylan all her life, she remembers everything and still hopes to return to her old body one day, something not even excluded by the entity that caused the swap. Simply over time her spirit and her new body found a new balance, with some changes in preferences and nature. And it remains open-ended, as over time the entity will likely forgive Dylan for his behavior, so nothing is set in stone. Thanks for the comment!
