Requests and complaints

Requests are accepted: write me a message in a comment! There are some rules to respect: the proposed stories cannot
be "+18"; the characters must be adults (
at least 18 years old); I'm the one who chooses the gif to match the request.
For any kind of complaint, write a message in a comment. I will try to solve every problem as soon as possible!
Tell me your impressions!




In the meantime I even missed the passing of 600,000

views of this blog! Thank you all! What do you think
of the "Twins Switch" series so far? Three more parts
are planned. Leave comments with suggestions, ratings
or concerns! It applies to this story, but also to the old
ones ;) Comments are very important! What do you think
of the story, what do you think will happen to the
protagonists, how do you think the situations could be
resolved, what do you think of the "antagonists": any
intervention from you is welcome and motivates me!
Thanks for watching!

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