Requests and complaints

Requests are accepted: write me a message in a comment! There are some rules to respect: the proposed stories cannot
be "+18"; the characters must be adults (
at least 18 years old); I'm the one who chooses the gif to match the request.
For any kind of complaint, write a message in a comment. I will try to solve every problem as soon as possible!
Tell me your impressions!


Twins Switch (part 4)

Forty days after the body swap.

 -Voiceover: "So, Emily, I was thinking...Would you like to go to the movies with me this Friday?"

 -"I... with pleasure, Tom." *smiling*

 -"Great! I'll pick you up on Friday at seven!"

 -"Eheheh See you Friday!" *embarrassed*

Dylan's thoughts: "How did I get into this situation? And why am I smiling? Why am I happy that he invited me? This is just a horrible "task" to get back into my body! After a whole month has passed since our body swap, my sister and I talked about what we could do. We thought that maybe, like in the movies, we should learn some particular lesson from being in each other's bodies, and that maybe we should act more like each other. We decided that Emily would work on becoming more masculine and me on acting more like a girl, and having the experiences that go with it. Emily and Tiffany seem very close. The date was a success, and there have been others. Every time I've seen them together it seems like Tiffany is very much in love. Excellent, I hope to be able to benefit from it soon... Emily has also started going to the gym. Soon my body will be in great shape! Emily insisted that I spend time with some guy and try to get him to ask me out on a date. She is sure that it is a fundamental experience for understanding the female world. I reluctantly chose Tom, a friend of mine who I know is a nice guy. Definitely nicer than me. I chatted with him a few times at school in the last few days, and now he has finally decided to invite me out. All according to plan. Yet I feel something is wrong. Why am I so happy to go to the cinema with him? When we went to the movies as friends, when I was a boy, I never felt this way. And why do I keep thinking he's very nice looking? In the last few days I don't even think that about my female classmates anymore... Uh-oh. Something is wrong with me!"


Twins Switch (part 3)

Twenty days after the body swap.

 -"So, sister, do you have something to tell me?"

 -"What do you mean, Dylan."

 -"I heard some things through the grapevine. I heard you asked Tiffany out on a date this Saturday."

 -"Even if it were? It doesn't concern you."

 -"It doesn't concern me?! You asked out the girl I like! Without asking my permission! What if she said no?! You would have humiliated me!"

 -"But she didn't say no. She said yes. And you should be grateful to me. If things go well, when we return to our bodies you will have the girl of your dreams."

 -"Well, it's true..."

 -"And in any case why would I ask your permission? You haven't asked me permission to violate the privacy of my best friends several times these days."

 -"Ok, sorry, I fell into temptation a few times..."

 -"And wasn't it you who told me that I had to relax and have new experiences? For a couple of days you have been particularly tense, agitated and irritable- Oh. Ah. I wasn't thinking about it. I haven't looked at the calendar much lately. I imagine for ME these are THOSE days."

 -"Shut up." *blushes*

 -"You don't have to be ashamed, LITTLE SISTER. It's perfectly normal for every girl."

 -"I said SHUT UP!"

 -"Ok, ok, sorry. It's funny but I'll try not to make fun of you. Why didn't you tell me right away? I could have helped you."

 -"I was ashamed and afraid that you would make fun of me. And rightly so, I would say. I found the products to use in the bathroom, and I searched on the internet how to use them and what to do."

 -"And how do you feel?"

 -"Honestly? Horribly. I didn't think periods were so painful."

 -"Yes, unfortunately I have always had them particularly acute. But at least it will be a unique experience on the female world that will teach you something for when you become a boy again. I am sure that you will be much more sensitive to these experiences for your girlfriends and your wife ."

 -"Definitely. And I hope this will all end soon, and I'll wake up in my body within a few days."

 -"Won't you miss the chance to enter the women's changing rooms? In the first few days you joked about it a lot."

 -"Well, yes, but... To tell the truth, in the last few days I find it less interesting than before. Looking at a girl in underwear is always nice, but less than before. I guess I'm used to it by now."

 -"Really? The same is happening to me. I still like boys, but less than before. I guess spending 3 weeks in a boy's body takes some of the "mystery" away from the opposite sex."

 -"Wow. And does this have to do with the fact that you asked out Tiffany? I thought you did it just to annoy me and get revenge on your friends."

 -"Well, to tell the truth, I wanted to experiment with dating a girl while I'm in a boy's body. And I noticed that I was also a little... interested in her. I still like boys, as I have said, but I think I'm starting to be a little attracted to girls too. It's something I've never felt before. I was curious and decided to "experiment" as you recommended."

 -"Wow, that's a lot to process. At least try not to ruin my chances with Tiffany. Behave!"

 -"Don't be afraid little brother. I know female psychology quite well." ;)


Twins Switch (part 2)

Four days after the body swap.

 -"Tonight is going to be a great night" *grin*

 -"What do you mean?"

 -Have you forgotten? Tonight I am invited to Sarah's pajama party! It will be really fun eheheh!"

 -"What?! I remember ordering you to warn Sarah that I couldn't go!"

 -"And in fact YOU won't go. I will go. And I will spend an evening and night locked in a room with 5 beautiful girls, discovering their secrets and what they like!"

 -"You... pervert! How dare you! Do you want to violate the privacy of my best friends?! It's a girls' night!"

 -"And I AM a girl. At least for the moment. Eheheh"

 -"You're disgusting."

 -"Oh, come on little sister! It's a unique opportunity! Probably in a few days we will be happily back in our bodies. I want to take advantage of this unpleasant experience to get at least a good memory or two."

 -"And to do this you have to take advantage of the good faith of 5 innocent girls, who will be spied on by a boy and who will reveal secrets to who they believe is their friend, but he isn't?"

 -"Well... I guess so. It's a unique opportunity, sorry. *grin*

 -"As soon as we return to our bodies I will make you pay."

 -"You're always so hysterical, little sister... Relax and have some new and unique experiences while you can. And let me have some fun!"

 -"I'd have mom and dad ground you... but we can't tell them the truth. They would think we are crazy, or they would worry themselves sick. But I'm sure that Karma will punish you!"

-"Oh, sure, little sister. You're really annoying."

The ethereal being watched them. And in judging Dylan it felt angry.

Twins Switch (part 1)

 -"Wait, Emily? Is that you? Is that you in my body?"

 -"Dylan? What's happening?!"

 -"I have no idea, I just woke up in your room... and in your body!"

 -"I just woke up too, hearing a female scream. It was you, right?"

 -"Of course it was me! I looked in the mirror and saw the image of my twin sister!"

 -"Do you have any idea what could have caused this tragedy? Or how we can get back to our bodies?"

 -No, I don't know- wait, maybe... Last night before going to sleep I was thinking about my difficulties in getting close to Tiffany and getting her to notice me. I looked at the sky outside the window and wished I could understand girls better. Do you think it could have something to do with it? I certainly didn't want to find myself in my sister's body so I could understand girls!"

 -"I have no idea... maybe. We don't have any options that make more sense than this. It's like those body-swap comedies."

 -"And in those comedies after a few days everything goes back to how it was before!"

 -"Yes, we can only hope that this is the case. In the meantime, let's try not to ruin our lives."

 -"How could I ruin your life? I'm not that bad."

 -"For example acting like YOU while you are ME. I'm not ultra feminine, but I act 100% like a girl. I don't want people to suddenly see me acting like a boy. You have to be careful how you talk, how you move , how you walk. Don't embarrass me and don't do anything that makes me feel ashamed!"

 -"Same goes for you, little sister. I don't want people to suddenly see me acting like a sissy. Act like I usually do."



 -"Being in your body and acting like you. It makes me sick just thinking about it."

 -"The same goes for me, trust me. Let's hope that in a few days it will all be just a bad memory."

Invisible to the eyes of the two 18-year-old twins, the ethereal being who had listened to Dylan's wish and caused the body swap was watching them. Judging them.


The Tulip Lady

Here I am, holding the thousandth tulip in my hand. Or the ten thousandth. Or the one hundred thousandth. I don't count them anymore. Everyone calls me the Tulip Lady, but until a few years ago I would never have imagined in my worst nightmare that I would have this nickname. In fact the 25 year old girl you see was a 20 year old boy 5 years ago. I was the heir to my family and our marquisate. While now here I am receiving a tulip from my future husband, imposed by my family.

It all started one evening 5 years ago. I had just returned from a hunting trip, and I found a beautiful tulip on the doorknob of my room. I thought it was a gift from some charming maid in the house who had fallen in love with me. "Poor deluded girl", I thought, "but it's a sweet gesture, and if she's nice I could make her happy for a night...". But while I was thinking about which maid could be my "secret admirer", I smelled the beautiful tulip and immediately felt a burning sensation and strong tingling sensations throughout my body. The tulip instantly turned to ash, terrifying me further. “Did I just get poisoned?” I thought, and ran in confusion towards my parents' nearby room. As soon as I entered I found my father and mother there, but I didn't have time to say anything. Immediately the burning and tingling became more intense, and my body changed under the terrified, shocked and worried eyes of my parents. In just 10 seconds I became a girl. I was apparently the same age as before, but every fiber of my body had become feminine. As soon as I recovered from the shock, I explained what had happened to my parents. My father went to investigate among the servants if anyone knew anything about a tulip on my door, while I remained with my mother crying. I don't even remember the last time I cried before that day. It happens to me often in recent years. My father returned after an hour and told us that no one knew anything. For the moment I would have to pretend to be a normal girl so as not to attract dangerous attention and accusations of witchcraft. My father called my older sister (22) and my younger brother (18) into the room and told them what had happened, while I was unable to look them in the eyes out of shame. I could sense their shocked expressions. We decided together that for the moment we would tell that "I" had suddenly left to study in France, while a "cousin of mine" from Ireland had come to live with my parents. It was very humiliating to have to publicly pass myself off as a girl, but we had no choice. My family and I investigated for months, without attracting attention, to understand what had happened and how to transform me again, but without success.

For two weeks my mother and sister taught me everything they could about being a girl and a female member of a noble family. It was terrible, but necessary. I was paranoid for months, thinking about who could be the culprit of my curse, who could have placed that enchanted tulip on my door. Another young noble from the area envious of my successes? A furious maid for some unappreciated comment of mine? My sister, to not be the only daughter and have a sister to "have fun" doing girly things with? My brother, to become our father's heir and become Marquis one day? I don't know, and maybe I will never know. And over time I accepted it. After a couple of years I stopped asking myself these questions. Everyone always treated me well and family members who knew my identity showed tact and empathy. But obviously they increasingly treated me like a girl, a daughter, a sister. And almost every activity I loved was no longer possible, from hunting to courting the beautiful girls in town. Over time I accepted this too, despite suffering a lot in the first few months.

Since the day of my transformation I have become obsessed with tulips, hoping to find another one that can transform me again. Walking down the street I always stopped to smell the tulips in every vase and at every florist. At every ball and public event I went first to smell the decorative tulips. In a few months the rumor spread that the beautiful and charming niece of the Marquis adored tulips, and numerous suitors began to continually give them to me. And I continued to smell them one by one, always, hopefully. After a year everyone in town started calling me the Tulip Lady.

After 4 years my father explained to me that he was patient, understanding the tough situation I was in, but that it was time to find me a husband. We argued for a long time, I was desperate, but in the end I gave up. In fact I was now a 24 year old woman from an important family, it was really strange not to be married. So I started meeting possible matches from noble families in the area. And after a few months I met a better man than the others, a 26-year-old nephew of a count, funny, kind and willing to provide me with much more freedom than the classic wives of the 17th century. He immediately fell in love with me, while I... I still can't fall in love with a man, still feeling like a man inside myself, but I started to care for him. He's a good man, and I'm willing to spend my life with him if I don't find a solution to my "condition". When he asked for my hand in marriage, I said yes. I cried, feeling another part of the old me fade away, but to him they seemed like tears of joy.

In a week I will be married, I will be a wife, and probably within a short time a mother. My destiny as a young Marquis will be just a distant memory. And I won't be able to do anything but smell every tulip I see, as long as I have the strength to try. Reinforcing my reputation as the "Tulip Lady". Ironic. A tulip stole the life I loved. Everyone calls me Tulip Lady, I'm always looking for tulips, but I really, really hate tulips with all my heart. Really ironic.