Requests and complaints

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be "+18"; the characters must be adults (
at least 18 years old); I'm the one who chooses the gif to match the request.
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The melody in the woods

"Come on, nice rock, make some sound. Any sound. Give me some sign of life." 

Until 7 months ago Lucy was a young man, Lucas. One night while driving on a road in the woods, his car stopped. Lucas decided to go into the woods with a torch, to try to reach the nearby town. At one point he began to hear a strange, beautiful but mysterious melody. He decided to investigate. Big mistake.  

He continued to approach the source of the celestial melody, even though his body began to tremble in a strange way. He believed it was because of the cold and the agitation, but there was more. The vibrations of that melody were strange. Eventually Lucas reached the source: a rock among the trees. A very normal rock to the eye. Yet it gave off melodic vibrations. When Lucas came within inches to get a better look at it, the tremor of his body took over. Lucas felt his body change, transform. The clothes became much looser and the hair longer. Terrified, he ran away as fast as he could. After a few minutes of running, he tripped over his pants (now too baggy), and as he fell he hit his head and passed out. 

He woke up in the hospital of the nearby town: running he had almost reached it, and a passer-by had noticed him unconscious that morning. But waking up he had a surprise... his body had really changed... He was a she! The doctors believed that his words were due to the blow to the head. After two days Lucas realized that by telling the truth they would lock him up in an asylum. And he needed freedom, to be able to find that mysterious rock. It was his only hope. 

So he pretended he simply had amnesia, and got help to get some papers. Her new name was Lucy, at least until that rock was found. Lucy decided to move to that town, in order to continue her research on a daily basis. Unfortunately she had walked and run in the woods for a long time, and in the middle of the night... so it would not be easy to find he rock. And after 7 months the searches are still going on. In that wood there are many, many rocks...


  1. So is this a reality altering change and everyone remembers "Lucy" or is it only a physical change?

    1. It's just a physical change. Lucy got new papers by pretending to be a poor lost girl with amnesia. The truth would only cause her problems
