Requests and complaints

Requests are accepted: write me a message in a comment! There are some rules to respect: the proposed stories cannot
be "+18"; the characters must be adults (
at least 18 years old); I'm the one who chooses the gif to match the request.
For any kind of complaint, write a message in a comment. I will try to solve every problem as soon as possible!
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Twins Switch (part 7)

Nine months after the body swap.

"Emily": "I shouldn't be so sad. Nothing strange happened after all. Dad and Dylan go on a fishing trip together every year these days. I'm just not Dylan this year anymore, so it's normal that I stayed home with my mother. Who is also very sweet, and who, seeing me sad, told me that tomorrow we will have a mother-daughter day. I am happy to be with her, and I like these "women's days" more and more, even if sometimes they still feel a little strange. But I miss the relationship with my father. I miss many things I could do as a boy, and I don't know if I will ever do them again. Dylan is a fantastic and very protective brother to me, particularly during my period, knowing how hard it is on his old body. Even though we are twins, I definitely feel like the little sister. By the way, I don't think I'll ever get used to my period. I've had 9 of them so far, and I've found them all terribly annoying and painful. I'll just have to accept them, I guess. Among the pros there is certainly Tom, who is a fantastic boyfriend. He makes me feel special, like I've never felt before. He's the one thing I would really miss if I ever go back to being Dylan one day. I'm sorry that I will probably never be with Tiffany, who is a very sweet and very beautiful girl, but at least now we are very good friends. Tom, Dylan, Tiffany and I have already done a couple of foursome outings, getting along very well together. Now Dylan no longer has to advise me on makeup or clothes. I'm a completely independent girl! Sigh. Even temperamentally I am now completely a girl. I feel too sensitive, but I appreciate the greater connection with my emotions, at least most of the time. Well, overall I'm not complaining, I'm healthy, I have an amazing family and people who love me. If one day I become a man again, I will be happy, but I will try to live my life to the best of my ability anyway. Now I'd better go. Tonight Tom takes me out to dinner, and a girl needs time to prepare for her man. Yep, things were definitely easier before. But I'll be fine, I'm sure of it."

The ethereal being who switched bodies and destinies of Dylan and Emily was still observing the twins from time to time. He was pleased with the new Emily's progress as a person, but he still hadn't forgiven her. When it had fulfilled her wish 9 months earlier, it wanted the young man to live in his sister's body for a couple of weeks to better understand girls and improve his life. But the boy immediately used his opportunity to spy on girls and prove himself to be immature and insensitive. To punish him, the entity decided to extend the exchange indefinitely. By becoming a woman at heart, she would no longer be able to spy on girls in a disturbing way, nor take advantage of the secrets learned from poor girls to manipulate them into a relationship. And she would remain a girl, at least as long as the anger of the entity remained. And the ethereal entity in question was very, very slow to forgive, especially by human standards. But maybe one day it will forgive the new Emily, especially if she continues on the right path, and offer her the opportunity to change her destiny again. But until then it will continue to watch in silence as the new Dylan and Emily shape their new lives and precious relationships.

[The End]


Twins Switch (part 6)

Six months after the body swap.


 -""Eww" what?"

 -"You said you're going to the park to play football with your friends, but it's raining. It'll be all muddy, and you'll get all dirty. Eww."

 -"This will be even more fun. And if I remember correctly, you liked it too."

 -"You're right, but now it makes me sick just to think about it. I already don't like sweating to do sports, but I find doing it in the mud disgusting."

 -"You've really become a real lady, huh?"

 -"..." *sad*

 -"Hey, just kidding."

 -"No, you're right. I know I've changed a lot, but I can't do anything about it. Every day that passes I become more of a girl inside. Do you know how I'll spend the afternoon while you play football in the mud? Sarah invited me to get a manicure with her. That's right, I'll get my nails done with a girl I originally wanted to spy on in her underwear. I wanted to find out her secrets so I could conquer her once I became male again, and I ended up being her "best friend forever". I'm pathetic."

 -"You are not pathetic, and it's nice that you have a close female friend to spend time with. You are more mature than before, and you no longer have ulterior motives. You are a better person than before, and if we return to our bodies you will be a better man."

 -"Thank you, sister." *wipes away a tear*

 -"But tell me... When you're with Sarah, or when you see Tiffany, who was your biggest crush, do you feel anything anymore? I no longer feel anything looking at handsome boys. Absolute zero. While I really like beautiful girls... although obviously I am absolutely loyal to Tiffany, and would never betray her."

 -"I... I feel something looking at beautiful girls, but not what I would like..."

 -"What do you mean?"

 -"As much as I would like it, I no longer feel any attraction. I am now a heterosexual girl, and I only like men, to my embarrassment. But looking at beautiful girls... I feel envious. I look at Sarah and don't desire her, but I wish I were taller and long-legged like her. I look at Tiffany and think she's lucky to have bigger breasts than me. And I wouldn't even want to have breasts! It doesn't make sense! Better hair, more attractive curves, smoother skin, every time I look at a beautiful girl on the street I think of these things. I compare them to myself and I feel envious and insecure!" *sobs*

 -"Don't worry, it's normal. Many girls feel this way. I also felt very insecure about my body before all this. And you often made fun of me, not helping me..."

 -"I'm sorry, now I understand how it feels. If I go back to being your brother I'll be better, I promise."

 -"I'm sure of it. However, I would like to talk to you about something else."

 -"About what?"

 -"We have been in these bodies for 6 months now, we have tried many things but without being able to return to ourselves. I don't know if we will ever go back, honestly. I hope so, more for you than for me, but I don't know if it will be possible. I believe the time has come to get used to this idea."

 -"And what do you propose? I already live like a girl and you like a boy."

 -"I think symbolically we should start addressing each other with our new names and roles. I think it would help you accept things faster, as long as they stay that way. So I'd like you to call me Dylan, and I'll call you Emily. I'll be your brother and you my sister. We will use the right male and female pronouns for our bodies even among ourselves. Do you agree?"

 -"I... it seems strange to hear you call me by that name. You were the only one who still called me Dylan, and I liked it. But if you really believe it will help me accept things better, I trust you.. . Brother. *starts crying*

 -"Everything will be fine, little sister." *hugs his "sister"*


Twins Switch (part 5)

Three months after the body swap.

 -"Emily, don't you think it's a little too "pink"?"

 -"Well, that sweater is very pink, yes. But it looks good on you. Where did you get it, by the way? I don't think I had it in my closet."

 -"Since we still haven't returned to our bodies, I thought I had to try harder, and I asked mum for help. Obviously I didn't tell her the truth, but only that I decided to be more feminine and that I needed help to go shopping. She was very happy about it."

 -"Wow, a real mother-daughter outing! I'm proud of you! And I have to say that even though I'm doing well as a boy, I miss that kind of relationship with mom. I'm sure you've made her very happy."

 -"Too much, too. She insisted on getting me numerous ultra-feminine dresses. And then she was so enthusiastic that she wanted to take me to a spa at all costs. We spent the afternoon with massages and mud treatments."

 -"Didn't you like it one bit?"

 -"The serious thing is that I liked it. Three months ago it would have made me sick, and now I liked it. I keep changing and it scares me. Oh, and then they also waxed us, and that was just bad. Totally."

 -"Ahahah Yes, that's an aspect of femininity that I certainly don't miss. But still, it's good that you feel like you're changing. Probably soon you'll fully understand the female perspective and we can get our bodies back."

 -"I hope it happens soon. I feel so strange. And last month I was hoping for the same thing when I let you convince me to dye my hair in this very feminine way, and yet it was useless." *pout*

 -"Don't start complaining about your hair again, I already told you it's adorable! And everything still seems strange to me too. But I have to be honest, I would miss this life if I woke up in my body tomorrow. I always liked being a girl, but after this experience I realize how much more "complicated" it was. Of course I understand that it would be right to go back to normal, and I hope you can return to being a boy as you wish, but... Well, in any case I wouldn't be sad. I've been a girl all my life and I've enjoyed it, I'll just have to get used to it again."

 -"I understand what you mean by saying that being a girl is more "complicated". I will no longer take the simple life of a boy for granted, if I can have it again. No make-up in the morning, simpler and more comfortable clothes, quick showers, no waxing, being able eat as much as you want, NO PERIODS!"

 -"Well, don't just think about the negative sides. There are also things you like and have discovered, right?"

 -"Yes, I guess so..."

 -"And speaking of things you like... How's things going between you and Tom? You've been hanging out a lot lately."

 -"Everything's fine. He's a really good guy, and he's very gallant and protective enough. I feel good with him and I have fun. And I have to say... I find him cuter with each passing day."

 -Wow, what an admission, little brother. And what do you feel on the female front? Do you still like girls too?”

 -"I'm not sure. Sometimes in the changing rooms or at some friend's house I still have the instinct to look at girls, but... I "perceive" little as an internal response. When I look at Tom or other handsome boys I feel much more attracted ... I'm very ashamed of it, but maybe you are the only person who can understand me..." *blushes*

 -"Aww, come here, little brother. Of course I understand you. It's the same for me, but in reverse." *hugs Dylan*

 -"But you're dealing with it much better than me. I should be the stronger and more confident one of the two. I'm your brother."

 -"Well, lately I feel more and more confident. Clearly our new bodies are changing us, even temperamentally. Even just the different hormones for all these months can change a person a lot. You're not exactly the "brother" between us twins anymore. And also I'm very happy with Tiffany, so it doesn't worry me this "orientation change" going on. She really is a gorgeous girl. You had great taste."

 -"Yeah, happy to have shown you the perfect girl for you. *rolls eyes*

 -"Oh come on, you're happy with Tom too. If you relaxed, as you advised me months ago, you would be able to enjoy a wonderful relationship."

 -"I'll try. Although I still hope to go back to being a simple male friend of Tom's soon."




In the meantime I even missed the passing of 600,000

views of this blog! Thank you all! What do you think
of the "Twins Switch" series so far? Three more parts
are planned. Leave comments with suggestions, ratings
or concerns! It applies to this story, but also to the old
ones ;) Comments are very important! What do you think
of the story, what do you think will happen to the
protagonists, how do you think the situations could be
resolved, what do you think of the "antagonists": any
intervention from you is welcome and motivates me!
Thanks for watching!

Twins Switch (part 4)

Forty days after the body swap.

 -Voiceover: "So, Emily, I was thinking...Would you like to go to the movies with me this Friday?"

 -"I... with pleasure, Tom." *smiling*

 -"Great! I'll pick you up on Friday at seven!"

 -"Eheheh See you Friday!" *embarrassed*

Dylan's thoughts: "How did I get into this situation? And why am I smiling? Why am I happy that he invited me? This is just a horrible "task" to get back into my body! After a whole month has passed since our body swap, my sister and I talked about what we could do. We thought that maybe, like in the movies, we should learn some particular lesson from being in each other's bodies, and that maybe we should act more like each other. We decided that Emily would work on becoming more masculine and me on acting more like a girl, and having the experiences that go with it. Emily and Tiffany seem very close. The date was a success, and there have been others. Every time I've seen them together it seems like Tiffany is very much in love. Excellent, I hope to be able to benefit from it soon... Emily has also started going to the gym. Soon my body will be in great shape! Emily insisted that I spend time with some guy and try to get him to ask me out on a date. She is sure that it is a fundamental experience for understanding the female world. I reluctantly chose Tom, a friend of mine who I know is a nice guy. Definitely nicer than me. I chatted with him a few times at school in the last few days, and now he has finally decided to invite me out. All according to plan. Yet I feel something is wrong. Why am I so happy to go to the cinema with him? When we went to the movies as friends, when I was a boy, I never felt this way. And why do I keep thinking he's very nice looking? In the last few days I don't even think that about my female classmates anymore... Uh-oh. Something is wrong with me!"


Twins Switch (part 3)

Twenty days after the body swap.

 -"So, sister, do you have something to tell me?"

 -"What do you mean, Dylan."

 -"I heard some things through the grapevine. I heard you asked Tiffany out on a date this Saturday."

 -"Even if it were? It doesn't concern you."

 -"It doesn't concern me?! You asked out the girl I like! Without asking my permission! What if she said no?! You would have humiliated me!"

 -"But she didn't say no. She said yes. And you should be grateful to me. If things go well, when we return to our bodies you will have the girl of your dreams."

 -"Well, it's true..."

 -"And in any case why would I ask your permission? You haven't asked me permission to violate the privacy of my best friends several times these days."

 -"Ok, sorry, I fell into temptation a few times..."

 -"And wasn't it you who told me that I had to relax and have new experiences? For a couple of days you have been particularly tense, agitated and irritable- Oh. Ah. I wasn't thinking about it. I haven't looked at the calendar much lately. I imagine for ME these are THOSE days."

 -"Shut up." *blushes*

 -"You don't have to be ashamed, LITTLE SISTER. It's perfectly normal for every girl."

 -"I said SHUT UP!"

 -"Ok, ok, sorry. It's funny but I'll try not to make fun of you. Why didn't you tell me right away? I could have helped you."

 -"I was ashamed and afraid that you would make fun of me. And rightly so, I would say. I found the products to use in the bathroom, and I searched on the internet how to use them and what to do."

 -"And how do you feel?"

 -"Honestly? Horribly. I didn't think periods were so painful."

 -"Yes, unfortunately I have always had them particularly acute. But at least it will be a unique experience on the female world that will teach you something for when you become a boy again. I am sure that you will be much more sensitive to these experiences for your girlfriends and your wife ."

 -"Definitely. And I hope this will all end soon, and I'll wake up in my body within a few days."

 -"Won't you miss the chance to enter the women's changing rooms? In the first few days you joked about it a lot."

 -"Well, yes, but... To tell the truth, in the last few days I find it less interesting than before. Looking at a girl in underwear is always nice, but less than before. I guess I'm used to it by now."

 -"Really? The same is happening to me. I still like boys, but less than before. I guess spending 3 weeks in a boy's body takes some of the "mystery" away from the opposite sex."

 -"Wow. And does this have to do with the fact that you asked out Tiffany? I thought you did it just to annoy me and get revenge on your friends."

 -"Well, to tell the truth, I wanted to experiment with dating a girl while I'm in a boy's body. And I noticed that I was also a little... interested in her. I still like boys, as I have said, but I think I'm starting to be a little attracted to girls too. It's something I've never felt before. I was curious and decided to "experiment" as you recommended."

 -"Wow, that's a lot to process. At least try not to ruin my chances with Tiffany. Behave!"

 -"Don't be afraid little brother. I know female psychology quite well." ;)


Twins Switch (part 2)

Four days after the body swap.

 -"Tonight is going to be a great night" *grin*

 -"What do you mean?"

 -Have you forgotten? Tonight I am invited to Sarah's pajama party! It will be really fun eheheh!"

 -"What?! I remember ordering you to warn Sarah that I couldn't go!"

 -"And in fact YOU won't go. I will go. And I will spend an evening and night locked in a room with 5 beautiful girls, discovering their secrets and what they like!"

 -"You... pervert! How dare you! Do you want to violate the privacy of my best friends?! It's a girls' night!"

 -"And I AM a girl. At least for the moment. Eheheh"

 -"You're disgusting."

 -"Oh, come on little sister! It's a unique opportunity! Probably in a few days we will be happily back in our bodies. I want to take advantage of this unpleasant experience to get at least a good memory or two."

 -"And to do this you have to take advantage of the good faith of 5 innocent girls, who will be spied on by a boy and who will reveal secrets to who they believe is their friend, but he isn't?"

 -"Well... I guess so. It's a unique opportunity, sorry. *grin*

 -"As soon as we return to our bodies I will make you pay."

 -"You're always so hysterical, little sister... Relax and have some new and unique experiences while you can. And let me have some fun!"

 -"I'd have mom and dad ground you... but we can't tell them the truth. They would think we are crazy, or they would worry themselves sick. But I'm sure that Karma will punish you!"

-"Oh, sure, little sister. You're really annoying."

The ethereal being watched them. And in judging Dylan it felt angry.